If your item was damaged during delivery, please take some pictures of the damaged unit, and refuse delivery or return to sender. Once the item has transited back to our warehouse, we can ship you a replacement item or return your payment. Please notify our team if you have refused delivery so that we can expect it’s return. You may notify your salesperson directly via phone or email, or our team can be reached at 1 (877) 761-2819 or cs@tmgindustrial.com
If the damage is not too extensive, and just require some replacement parts, you may call our customer success line and our team would be happy to send out parts for free under your Warranty. 1 (877) 761-2819. You can also email us at cs@tmgindustrial.com
If your item arrived missing some of the parts / pieces, you may call our customer success line and our team would be happy to send out parts for free under your Warranty. 1 (877) 761-2819 or cs@tmgindustrial.com
If your item was purchased at an Auction, those items are sold AS IS and are not available for Warranty coverage from TMG. Please reach out to us with a copy of your bill of sale and we can find a solution for you. Our team can be reached at 1 (877) 761-2819 or cs@tmgindustrial.com